First Church of Christ, Scientist, Kirkwood
415 N. Clay Avenue
Sunday Church Service and Sunday School
Wednesday Testimony Meeting

Current Church Services
You are welcome to join us in person at our 10:30 Sunday morning church services and our 7:30 Wednesday evening testimony meetings. Our Sunday School and our Children’s Room are available during services and meetings.
We will continue offering Zoom access simultaneously for those wishing to join us remotely.
Zoom links for our church services:
Sunday Church Service
Prelude begins at 10:20
Link for Sunday
Password: 999999
Manual dial in:
Number: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 478 742 755
Password: 999999
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
Prelude begins at 7:20
Link for Wednesday
Password: 999999
Manual dial in:
Number: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 338 679 336
Password: 999999
Come discover how a spiritual sense of God’s love for you can restore health, overcome mistakes, and establish peace in your life.
Our church has been established in Kirkwood for over 100 years. As one of the worldwide branches of the Christian Science church headquartered in Boston, our church is a Bible-based, Christian church dedicated to the healing example of our Wayshower, Christ Jesus. Our Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, discovered the spiritual laws underlying the power of prayerful treatment and healing.
Our members unite with this church, in part, out of gratitude for healings they’ve experienced through their growing understanding of God’s dependable, universal love.
We have many resources available to support your spiritual growth. You are always welcome!

Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy, a lifelong student of the Bible who discovered and founded Christian Science, defined this Science as “...the revelation of divine Love” (Miscellany p.301) and as “the law of God, the law of good…” (Rudimental Divine Science p.1). Christian Science presents God as unchangeable, ever-present Love whose spiritual laws can be relied upon to uplift, heal, and bless humanity.
Jesus demonstrated God’s love for man through practical Christianity. He healed all forms of sin and disease, prompted moral regeneration, and taught humanity how to understand God as Spirit and to love the spiritual man of God’s creating. Christian Science illumines the spiritual, practical meaning of Jesus’ teachings and has helped many grow in their understanding of God and experience healing and harmony. Thousands of first-hand accounts of physical and other healings may be found online.
Join Our Church
We are delighted that you are interested in joining this branch church. Our members find inspiration in living harmoniously with the ideas described in Mary Baker Eddy’s textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Please let us know how we can best support your journey through this simple membership application process. We sincerely hope that you feel a deep sense of home here in this church.
For an application, please contact our clerk.

Sunday Church Service
Our Sunday church services include hymn singing, silent and congregational prayer, and a Bible Lesson sermon. The sermon is comprised of passages from our Pastor: the Bible and our denominational textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. This Bible Lesson is read in every Christian Science church throughout the world and can be studied during the week before the Sunday service.
Sunday School
Sunday School for students up to the age of 20 is offered during the same time as our Sunday church service. In small group classes, students learn about their relationship with God who is Love and how to understand and apply Biblical truths to meet daily needs. Among the first lessons are the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount.

Wednesday Evening Meeting
Join us Wednesday nights to hear Scriptural selections and passages from Science and Health on a timely topic. Following the readings there is time for sharing gratitude and healings based on the understanding and practice of Christian Science.
Children's Room
Available during all services
Young children not yet ready for Sunday School or Wednesday evening meetings are cared for in our children’s room.

Reading Room
Located in the heart of downtown Kirkwood, our Reading Room provides a quiet place for study and prayer, open to the public. It is filled with spiritual resources to meet your needs, and a church member is on duty to answer any questions you may have.
Find inspiration in the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Study the weekly Bible Lesson. Learn how others have found healing through their study of Christian Science. Explore a fresh perspective on world news with Pulitzer prize-winning magazine, The Christian Science Monitor.
Reading Room Hours and Location
10:00am–4:00pm Monday–Friday
10:00am–1:00pm Saturday
153 W. Jefferson Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Designated off-street parking is available in the lot adjacent to the Reading Room, and free 2-hour public parking is available across the street.

Christian Science Practitioners/Teachers/Nurses
Christian Science practitioners and teachers are available to pray for those who call them for help with any issue: physical, moral, financial, occupational, interpersonal, and other needs. Learn more.
A registered Christian Science nurse provides skillful, practical assistance and care to anyone in need who is relying on Christian Science for healing. Find a Christian Science practitioner, teacher, or nurse.
Community Outreach
Lectures - Lecturers prepare talks on spiritual topics that pertain to today’s needs within the community, and branch churches across the globe invite them to speak to their local communities. Our church holds two lectures a year, which are organized by our lecture committee. Lectures are free and open to all. Find a lecture near you.
KirkCare - We partner with KirkCare, a local nonprofit to provide help to community members needing food and utility assistance.
Chaplaincy - Our church is a member of the Christian Science Joint Institutional Committee of Missouri. This committee shares Christian Science with inmates and patients in correctional facilities, mental hospitals, and juvenile detention centers.

History of Our Church
Our church has been established in Kirkwood for over 100 years and was the first Christian Science church formed in St. Louis County on September 30, 1906. The first service was held on October 7, 1906 at the Choral Hall on Bodley Avenue with about 100 people in attendance. Soon, the need for a permanent home became clear and in October 1907 the present lot was purchased. Ground was broken on July 22, 1909 and the Cornerstone was laid on September 11, 1909.
The first service was held on October 11, 1909. The church was completely paid for on August 14 1916, but on account of World War I, the completion of the edifice as first designed was not completed until the early part of 1924.

Other Resources
Read inspirational articles and testimonies of healing from the Christian Science Sentinel, Journal, and Herald.
Read The Christian Science Monitor, a Pulitzer Prize-winning, independent, international newspaper. The Monitor’s mission, as described by its founder, Mary Baker Eddy, is “To injure no man, but to bless all mankind.”
Learn about Peace Haven, a Christian Science Nursing facility in St. Louis
Find out about Glenridge, a retirement community for Christian Scientists
Explore more regional Christian Science resources

Contact Us
415 N Clay Ave
Kirkwood, MO 63122
314.821.0290 (call or text)